Celebrating Student Success

01/11/2024 General
Celebrating Student Success

The Hyndburn Academy weekly rewards and recognition!

At The Hyndburn Academy, we believe that celebrating positive behaviour and attendance is essential to fostering a culture of recognise those who consistently uphold our school values.


Spin to Win: Rewarding Zero Behaviour Points and Perfect Attendance

Each week during the Head Teacher's student briefing we celebrate students who have achieved zero behaviour points and/or maintaned 100% attendance. These examplary students have their names added to the 'Wheel of Fortune' a fun and interactive way to select our weekly winners. The lucky students whos names are drawn receive an amazon voucher, a token of appreciation for their outstanding effort and consistency. Its always thrilling to see the excitement and anticipation as the wheel spins!


VIP Treatment for Excellence in Focused Departments

In addition to the Wheel of Fortune, we shine a spotlight each week on a specific department, such as English, Science, or Art. Teachers in the highlighted department nominate students who have demonstrated exceptional performance, enthusiasm, or improvement in their subject. These chosen students are awarded a VIP voucher, granting them exclusive access to the coveted VIP booth during lunchtime.

The VIP booth is a specially designated area where students can relax with their friends
and enjoy a variety of treats in recognition of their hard work. This unique experience
not only celebrates individual achievement but also fosters a sense of community and
motivation among peers.

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