Careers and post 16 guidance

Careers Advice is given to students  through Personal Development Day activities and one to ones with the school’s Careers Lead. Students are given the opportunity to develop their Employability Skills and are able to gain better knowledge of the wider world of Careers.

Students also complete a career plan and are then given assistance on how to complete their application forms for further education or apprenticships. Students are taught how to plan and prepare for an interview and the Careers Lead is available to accompany anyone  and support them at their interview if required. 

The Academy works closely with the ‘Careers and Enterprise Company’, to ensure the school is meeting the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks and supported by the strategic careet lead for United Learning. 

Once students leave The Hyndburn Academy at the end of year 11 they are able to contact the school Careers Lead via via email if they need any further assistance. (Details for this are available under the ‘Careers Leader’ tab).

The Hyndburn Academy’s CEIAG programme will help students to:

  • Understand themselves, their interests, likes and dislikes, what they are good at and how this affects the choices they make
  • Find out about different courses, what qualifications they might need and what opportunities there might be
  • Develop the skills they may need for working life
  • Make realistic, but ambitious, choices about courses and jobs
  • Develop a plan of action for the future
  • Understand the different routes after Year 11 including training, further and higher education and jobs
  • Be able to make effective applications for jobs, training and further education
  • Develop interview skills
  • Improve confidence

For more information, please click on the links below:

  • Careers Leader

    Careers Lead

    The students at The Hyndburn Academy have access to impartial Information, Advice and Guidance, from a dedicated staff member who works closely with students on a day-to-day basis and who has the support of the Senior Leadership Team whose role is to help guide your child to their chosen destination.

    The School’s Career Leader can be contacted either via phone or email. See below for contact details.

    Mrs Jess Ross

    Careers Leader / Pastoral Support

    The Hyndburn Academy, Stourton Street, Rishton, Blackburn BB1 4ED

    School Number: 01254 885378


    SLT Leader for Careers is Mr Phil Harter

  • Careers information for Students, Parents, Teachers and Employers


    Students will receive:

    • Additional careers information within Personal Development  Drop down days and lessons.
    • Access to information for CEIAG through national events, NAW and NCW. 
    • Careers information embedded into the curriculum
    • Weekly drop in support with applications
    • Access to careers information is available in books, videos, leaflets and on computer. Any additional information, students can see the Careers Leader.
    • Access to local providers on further education options.
    • Support through the school’s Careers Leader.
    • Other subject lessons linked to careers including STEM.

    What Students will expect:

    • Treated equally by other students, staff and visitors.
    • Given careers information and advice that is up to date and impartial.
    • Given extra help if required.
    • Students will be able to enjoy the sessions and activities they participate in.
    • Additional support is available where appropriate through extra help by the SENDCO, Senior Leaders and the Pastoral Team.

    Information for Parents and Carers

    Parents and Carers have the opportunity to attend careers interviews if they wish and will be invited as part of SEND reviews (EHCP, Statements and IPRAs) and looked after children reviews.

    The School’s SENDCO and the Careers Leader meet on a regular basis to discuss and action appropriate interventions for students with additional needs.

    Parents and Carers will receive updates via email and text from the Careers Leader, with up-to-date information about upcoming events and activities.

    Links with parents / carers are maintained using a variety of methods including the school website, leaflets, letters, consultation days and parents' evenings. 

    Equality and Diversity

    CEIAG is provided to all students and provision is made to allow all students to access the curriculum. Students are encouraged to follow career paths that suit their interests, skills and strengths with the absence of stereotypes. All students are provided with the opportunities that reflect their needs.

    Other links with local 14-19 Providers are made when required.

    Staff Development

    Staff training needs are identified as part of the appraisal process and during regular planning meetings between the Careers Leader and the CEIAG SLT Link/Line Manager. Regular updates regarding Careers Development will be shared when required with staff.


    The school is keen to work with local employers and build on the fantastic links we already have to secure positive Post 16 and 18 destinations. Employers can contact our Careers Leader directly to organise a visit to the school and to participate in our Careers assemblies and events. For more information, please contact the school’s Careers Leader. Information available in the Careers Leader tab.

  • CEIAG Policy

    Our CIAG policy and new provider policy can be viewed on our policies page.

    Click here for the policies page. 

  • Measuring the impact of the Careers Programme

    We Measure and Assess the Impact of our Careers Programme through:

    • Destination measures shared with Lancashire County Council and United Learning
    • Student, parent and staff voice
    • Employer feedback
    • Visiting partners
    • Work experience evaluation
    • Website analytical review
    • Gatsby Benchmarks reviewed with compass + every term
    • CEIAG interviews with students, links to DD and shared with parents/carers
    • Compass + records all activities and are mapped against individual students linked to the Gatsby Benchmarks. 

    Destination Data

    In order to measure the impact of our CIAG program at The Hyndburn Academy we review, track and monitor our destination (NEET) data. This data will be next reviewed in September 2021.

    Click to view our destinations data 

    Gatsby Benchmarks

    The eight benchmarks are a framework for good career guidance developed to support schools in providing students with the best possible careers education, information, advice, and guidance:

    1. A stable careers programme

    2. Learning from career and labour market information

    3. Addressing the needs of each pupil

    4. Linking curriculum learning to careers

    5. Encounters with employers and employees

    6. Experiences of workplaces

    7. Encounters with further and higher education

    8. Personal guidance

    We use a self-evaluation tool that gives us an immediate confidential read-out of how our own career guidance performs against the Gatsby eight benchmarks.

  • College/Post 16 Event Dates

    Accrington Academy Sixth Form


    Thursday 6th October 6pm-8pm at school

    Virtual Open Evening Information on the website

    Blackburn College

    Tuesday 27th September – 4.30pm-8.00pm A-Levels only

    Wednesday 5th October 4.30pm-8.00pm – All subjects, A Levels and Vocational

    Saturday 19th November 10.00am – 1.00pm
    Tuesday 7th February 2023 4.30pm - 8.00pm
    Thursday 15th June 2023 4.30pm - 8.00pm

    Myerscough College


    Saturday 10th September 10.00am-12.30pm

    Saturday 15th October 10.00am-12.30pm

    Saturday 19th November 10.00am-12.30pm



    Accrington & Rossendale


    Wednesday 21st September 5.30pm -7.30pm

    Register and book a time slot

    Nelson & Colne College


    Thursday 29th September 5.30pm-7.30pm

    Register and book a time slot

    Burnley College




    Thursday 15th September

    Wednesday 21st September

    Tuesday 4th October

    Thursday 13th October

    Thursday 3rd November

    Thursday 17th November


    5.30pm -8.30pm


    Book an arrival time and designated subject areas

    St Christopher’s Sixth Form


    Thursday 20th October 6.00pm-8.00pm

    Virtual Open Evening information on the website

    Clitheroe Royal Grammar Sixth  Form


    Wednesday 2nd November


    Runshaw College


    Saturday 24th September 10.00am – 2.00pm

    Students must register to attend through the college website.


    Blackburn Rovers Community College



    Contact direct


    North Lancs Training Group


    Contact the centre to make an appointment for a look around and interview.


    Training 2000


    Contact the centre to make an appointment for a look around and interview.


  • LMI - Labour Market Information
  • Traineeships and Apprenticeships

    A Traineeship is an introduction-level programme that combines a work placement with training, it helps to prepare young people for the world of work and supports with English and Mathematics if required.

    Apprenticeships are available at Intermediate, Advanced and Higher/Degree levels, and are available in a wide range of employment sectors. The length of time that it takes to complete is dependent on the level and occupation. All Apprenticeships are real jobs so young people on the programme can earn a salary.

    All Apprenticeship opportunities must be advertised on the National Apprenticeships Website.

    Your child must be registered on this site to apply for apprenticeships not advertised through an agency or training provider.

    Apprenticeship advice can also be sought through local colleges.

    Download our parent pack

    Apprenticeships Hints and Tips for Parents/Carers

  • Resources for Parent/Carers
  • The Baker Clause

    The Technical and Further Education Act 2017 incorporates The Baker Clause so that providers can access Year 7 -13 students to promote approved technical education qualifications and apprenticeships. The Careers Lead has excellent connections with the local providers and is building contacts with employers through school events and supported by the Enterprise Advisor.

    An annual Futures Event is held in the local community with several providers and employers promoting further education, higher education and apprenticeships takes place for Year 11 students and their families may attend to help with their decisions for Year 12. The school’s careers programme embeds opportunities for providers to deliver workshops, assemblies and information to all year groups. Any requests to access students must be through the Careers Lead and decisions will be made dependent on timings, timetabling, exams and whether the information on offer is relevant to the year group and not already delivered by another provider. The school is limited to taking students off normal timetables, however Personal Development Days take place once every half term which focus’ on aspirations and careers.

    Additional access may be granted in the form of assemblies, lunch-time drop-ins or lessons where a visiting speaker complements the pupils’ curriculum.

    Policy Statement for Provider Access

United Learning comprises: United Learning Ltd (Registered in England No: 00018582. Charity No. 313999) UCST (Registered in England No: 2780748. Charity No. 1016538) and ULT (Registered in England No. 4439859. An Exempt Charity). Companies limited by guarantee. Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.

Financial Accountability and Freedom of Information
Website Terms, Cookies and Privacy

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